About SHINE Global Ministry

SHINE Global Ministry is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that was founded in the year 2015 with a goal of equipping people to integrate the science and art of healing with the three angels’ messages. Our philosophy of healing is centered around what we’ve coined the Seven Tenets of Integrated Gospel Health Evangelism.


Seven Tenets of Integrated Gospel Health Evangelism

The following tenets are fundamental to the practice of integrated gospel health evangelism:

God is the One who Heals and Restores

We believe that, when the body is given an environment that is conducive to wholeness, God imparts His life-giving power in response to a living faith in Him as Healer.

Salvation of the Soul Paramount

While we desire to banish sickness and alleviate suffering, as people who believe in the hope of a better life to come, the salvation of the soul is our highest priority.

Address the Cause

While we aim to provide symptomatic relief for acute concerns, we strive to do more. We seek out and address the cause of every ailment, thus removing the foundation for sickness and helping clients regain and maintain health.

Least Invasive Measures First

In the event of sickness, we recommend the least invasive measures first. This includes recommending lifestyle changes and the use of rational methods that minimize the possibility of harmful side effects and help restore homeostasis within the body. In cases that are refractory to lifestyle changes and rational methods, more invasive measures may be taken by the appropriate professional.

Humanity as Integrated Beings

Humans were created as integrated beings; therefore, each aspect of humanity—physical, mental/emotional, spiritual, and social—affects the others. Consequently, an imbalance in any facet of our being could manifest as physical illness. In seeking to spread wholeness throughout the earth, we emphasize the restoration of health in all areas of humanity.

Act Responsibly

We do our best to avoid acting unadvisedly or in an uninformed manner. When uncertain, we seek counsel from more experienced peers. We inform ourselves of and educate others concerning contraindications and potential side effects. Additionally, we encourage clients to speak with their primary care providers before incorporating changes. We uphold the law in all matters that do not violate the Bible and conscience.

Client-Centered Approach

Our work is primarily educational. We seek to educate those around us and empower them to make healthier lifestyle choices. We aim to relieve suffering and spread wholeness, hope, and holiness throughout the earth. In doing so, we respect the choices of our clients and do our best to support them, irrespective of their belief systems and health and lifestyle choices. We treat each of our clients as individuals and seek to address their concerns in the way that is most suitable for their case.

Our Ministry Trajectory

My husband and I started SHINE Global Ministry in 2015. At that time, our ministry was focused on in-person gospel health evangelism. In 2016, we were primarily involved in the preaching of an evangelistic series. We were also involved in health education, a community-facing health exposition, and Bible worker training. In 2017, we transitioned our energy toward building our private practice and preparing content for our first online Gospel Health Evangelism training course. We started the SHINE Educational Institute and launched our first course, Foundations of Gospel Health Evangelism. From 2018 to today, we’ve continued to educate people through our online course and to use naturopathic, integrative, and functional approaches to help patients optimize their physical, mental, social, and spiritual health. We’ve done so through the two medical practices we’ve been privileged to build.

“…It is the Lord’s purpose that His method of healing without drugs shall be brought into prominence in every large city through our medical institutions….” —Medical Ministry, p. 325.

Inspired by this quotation, our ministry is currently working on a virtually-delivered program (with a long-term goal of having in-person options) that trains established healthcare professionals in the judicious use of natural therapeutics, a functional approach to healthcare, and the use of the healing art as an entering wedge for the three angels’ messages. We are simultaneously working on another program that provides comprehensive scientific and Bible-based training to lay-people. This program will equip them to become certified medical or dental assistants. It will enable them to make a living while working alongside gospel workers and licensed healthcare professionals as integral members of city missions.

In this way, we intend to cooperate with God in the production of appropriately trained workers who are able to use our message of healing as God has ordained that it be used—to reach souls for Him. By His grace and in His power, we believe we will see God’s method of drugless healing brought into prominence in every city through our medical institutions in our lifetime. While this is certainly our passion, progress toward the creation of this program has not been as fast as we would like due to our other responsibilities (e.g., work, parenthood, school, etc.). If you have talents or other resources that you believe could help accelerate the creation of this program, please reach out to us. We would love to connect!

Foundations of Gospel Health Evangelism

We currently offer one course—Foundations of Gospel Health Evangelism—through the SHINE Educational Institute. So far, we’ve had students from five continents and the Caribbean go through our course. Learn more about FGHE below.

Foundations of Gospel Health Evangelism is an 11-week, online certification course. It fosters an understanding of the call to gospel health evangelism and the various methods of engaging with health coaching and consulting clients. You will retain access to the course content for one year from the date of purchase. In this course, you will learn, explore, and utilize the C.A.R.E. Technique™ in order to effectively conduct coaching or consulting sessions. The C.A.R.E. Technique™  is an easy-to-learn and extremely effective method of both conducting and documenting oral wellness interviews with lifestyle clients. Knowledge of this technique empowers users to lead clients on a journey toward optimal integrated health.

In addition to learning the C.A.R.E. Technique™, you will learn how to conduct an integrative medical interview and effectively inspire change. You will also learn how to retain and follow up with clients throughout their wellness journey. Additionally, you will learn how to locate evidence-based therapeutic interventions, and the legal aspect of health coaching. You will learn how to effectively teach health principles, when to refer clients back to their primary care providers or the emergency room, and more.

Take a look at the course syllabus to see a more detailed breakdown of the course content! You can do so by clicking this link.

You may purchase and register for the Foundations of Gospel Health Evangelism course by clicking here.

What our Students are Saying

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